Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I deleted some extraneous words from tonight's State of the Union address. Here's what I found:

…war, shock, danger, suffering, victims, terrorists, terrorist, starvation, oppression, terrorists, terrorist, terror, captives, terror, pain, grave, fears, enemies, hatred, hatred, madness, destruction, nuclear, public water facilities, chemical weapons, surveillance maps, war, terror, hijacked, dangerous killers, methods of murder, outlaw regimes, ticking time bombs, terrorists, enemies, battlefield, terrorists, risk, terrorist, terrorist, terrorists, terrorists, training camps, regimes, chemical, biological, nuclear weapons, threatening, terror training camps, terrorist underworld, remote jungles, deserts, the centers of large cities, terrorist cells, hostages, terrorists plotting to bomb, weapons, terrorist camps, terrorist parasites, threaten, terror, face of terror, regimes, terror, threatening, weapons of mass destruction, regimes, regime, missiles, weapons of mass destruction, starving citizens, weapons, terror, hostility, terror, plotted, anthrax, nerve gas, nuclear weapons, regime, poison gas, murder, bodies of mothers, dead children, regime, regime, terrorist allies, evil, threaten, weapons of mass destruction, regimes, grave, danger, arms, terrorists, hatred, attack, blackmail, catastrophic, terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, missile, sudden attack, dangers, peril, dangerous regimes, threaten, destructive weapons, war, terror, waged, terror camps, terror states, fight, fight, war, war, war, weapons, enemy, innocent lives, troops anywhere, weapons, defense, threat, attack, no longer protected, attack, bioterrorism, emergency, vaccines, anthrax, deadly diseases, bioterrorism, combat, illegal drugs, trained by al Qaeda, war, war, death, war, terrorism, enemies, fear, evil, evil, attacked, crisis, emergencies, danger, prison, evil, war, poverty, violence, oppressed, midnight knock, secret police, tyranny, threats, war, terror, danger, terror, evil, danger, enemies, suicide, murder, tyranny, death…


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