Thursday, January 05, 2006

(continued from yesterday)

toward objects and away from figures is the same

unique polarities are possible

a human can not fit through a mouse hole

a human is not a human

in a temporal sense is not a sense

the mind as muscle as finger

with seismographic tendencies

if I were to make a sense landscape

do not why is this can

the temperature of metal

the akinness of crevices

the novel writes itself in correspondences

document is also a verb

a gas can be contained in a container

you inherited a faulty box

it was the perfect gift

you is not a word but a commons

what is intimate is most social

to make proper a-the-this context

you don’t lose any beauty

that is in the transitions

might as well write math equations

a plus four when a is five is nine

an open door still has space in it

that space is measurable

but the space it connects to is not


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